In the past if you needed to incorporate Spring in your Groovy Applications or Scripts , normally you did something like this:
@Grab('org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.0.RELEASE') import import org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class Login { def authorize(User user){ if(user.credentials.username == "guest" && user.credentials.password == "guest"){ "${user.greetings} ${user.credentials.username}" }else "You are not ${user.greetings}" } } @Component class Credentials { String username = "guest" String password = "guest" } @Component class User{ @Autowired Credentials credentials String greetings = "Welcome" } def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext() new ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner(ctx).scan('') // scan root package for components ctx.refresh() def login = ctx.getBean("login") def user = ctx.getBean("user") println login.authorize(user)
One of the benefits that I see is that Groovy removes all the unnecessary boiler plate the Java.
Then, is you wanted to add more flavor to your Groovy Apps using the Grail's BeanBuilder , you needed to do something like this:
@Grab(group='org.slf4j', module='slf4j-simple', version='1.7.5') @Grab(group='org.grails', module='grails-web', version='2.3.4') import grails.spring.BeanBuilder import groovy.transform.ToString class Login { def authorize(User user){ if(user.credentials.username == "John" && user.credentials.password == "Doe"){ "${user.greetings} ${user.credentials.username}" }else "You are not ${user.greetings}" } } @ToString(includeNames=true) class Credentials{ String username String password } @ToString(includeNames=true) class User{ Credentials credentials String greetings } def bb = new BeanBuilder() bb.beans { login(Login) user(User){ credentials = new Credentials(username:"John", password:"Doe") greetings = 'Welcome!!' } } def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext() def u = ctx.getBean("user") println u def l = ctx.getBean("login") println l.authorize(u)
And now with the new Spring 4 you can add all the Groovy flavor to your apps (without all the Grails Dependencies) and using the new GroovyBeanDefinitionReader from Spring 4:
@Grab('org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.0.RELEASE') import import org.springframework.beans.factory.groovy.GroovyBeanDefinitionReader import groovy.transform.ToString class Login { def authorize(User user){ if(user.credentials.username == "John" && user.credentials.password == "Doe"){ "${user.greetings} ${user.credentials.username}" }else "You are not ${user.greetings}" } } @ToString(includeNames=true) class Credentials{ String username String password } @ToString(includeNames=true) class User{ Credentials credentials String greetings } def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext() def reader = new GroovyBeanDefinitionReader(ctx) reader.beans { login(Login) user(User){ credentials = new Credentials(username:"John", password:"Doe") greetings = 'Welcome!!' } } ctx.refresh() def u = ctx.getBean("user") println u def l = ctx.getBean("login") println l.authorize(u)
And that's not all, also SpringBoot gives you even more power using Groovy:
//File:app.groovy import org.springframework.boot.* import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.* import org.springframework.stereotype.* import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.* import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.* @Component class Login { def authorize(User user){ if(user.credentials.username == "John" && user.credentials.password == "Doe"){ "${user.greetings} ${user.credentials.username}" }else "You are not ${user.greetings}" } } @Component class Credentials{ String username String password } @Component class User{ Credentials credentials = new Credentials(username:"John", password:"Doe") String greetings = "Welcome!!" } @Controller @EnableAutoConfiguration class SampleController { @Autowired def login @Autowired def user @RequestMapping("/") @ResponseBody String home() { return login.authorize(user) } }
To run the above code, install springboot and then just execute:
$ spring run app.groovy
and then go to your browser and open http://localhost:8080 and you see:
Welcome!! John
Congratulations to the Spring Team!!
Keep grooving!!